Im 9 Weeks Pregnant What Trimester Am I in

Your baby is a tiny human

Your baby has all the essential body parts now, including elbows and knees. On your baby's face, the upper lip, nose, and eyelids have formed. And your baby's tiny toes are visible!

Warning signs of a pregnancy complication

Lower back pain, vaginal bleeding or spotting, and persistent itching are among the symptoms that warrant a call to your healthcare provider. Always reach out to your provider when you have a concern – that's what they're there for!

Feeling exhausted?

Not only does it take a lot of energy to make a baby, but pregnancy comes with all sorts of sleep disturbances, including nausea, heartburn, and a frequent need to pee. Try to nap when you can, and consider investing in a good pregnancy pillow if you're having trouble getting comfy in bed.

9 weeks is how many months?

You're in your third month!

Fetus icon

Baby development at 9 weeks

Teeth are budding

Ten tiny tooth buds are developing within each band of gums. (They'll transform into the 20 "baby teeth" that eventually fall out during childhood.) Next week, the teeth start to harden and connect to your baby's jaw. You'll see these pearly whites start to poke out when your baby gets a first tooth, usually between 4 and 7 months old.

Your baby's heart

The four chambers of your baby's heart have formed. If you expect to hear the familiar, steady "lub-dub" sound of a human heartbeat at a prenatal appointment, you're in for a surprise. Many women describe the sound of their baby's heartbeat as similar to the thunder of galloping horses. That's because your baby's heart beats about twice as fast as yours does.

The placenta takes over

Your body is not only growing a new baby, but also a new organ – the placenta, which is attached to your uterus and connected to your baby through the umbilical cord. Your placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones that help your baby grow and develop. By the end of your pregnancy, it will be about 9 inches in diameter and an inch thick, not unlike a large pancake.

Your baby at 9 weeks Tap the plus for more details

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Your baby is about the size of a grape




head to bottom

Pregnancy symptoms during week 9

Food cravings

Having any food cravings yet? The extreme hormonal changes you go through during pregnancy can have a huge impact on taste and smell. Some experts think that cravings for certain foods are linked to a mom-to-be's nutritional needs, but others think that pregnancy cravings can't be explained that easily. If you're having cravings, go ahead and indulge in moderation. But if you start to crave nonfood substances, such as laundry starch, dirt, or clay (a condition called pica), let your provider know.

Food aversions

You may suddenly find that certain foods you used to enjoy now seem completely repulsive. Food aversions may be a side effect of rapidly increasing levels of estrogen in your system. Common food aversions during pregnancy include meat, eggs, dairy products, spicy foods, foods with strong smells, and coffee.

Heightened sense of smell

Many newly pregnant women find they're overwhelmed by gag-inducing smells. It's another side effect of rapidly increasing estrogen levels. If cooking smells are making you feel particularly ill, ask your partner or another loved one to make your meals, or get restaurant takeout or ready-to-eat food from the grocery store.

Nausea and vomiting

This is peak morning sickness time. Some experts believe that morning sickness may be the body's way of protecting your baby in early pregnancy from toxins and potentially dangerous foods. This theory makes sense because the first trimester – when most women have the strongest morning sickness – is the crucial period of development when all of your baby's organs and physical structures form. Nausea can strike at any time of day or night, not just in the morning, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer. Try these remedies for morning sickness to get some relief.


Even if you've never had heartburn before, you might experience it during pregnancy due to hormonal and physical changes. It's an unpleasant burning sensation between your lower throat and the bottom of your breast bone. If you're suffering from heartburn, avoid foods like carbonated drinks, caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, mustard, vinegar, mint products, and processed meats. Foods that are fatty, spicy, fried, or highly seasoned may also upset your stomach. Chewing gum after eating can help to neutralize your stomach acids.


Up to half of pregnant women will have constipation during pregnancy. Keep things moving with plenty of water and high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Some moms swear by adding unprocessed wheat bran or prune juice to their diets. Exercise can also ease constipation.

Your body at 9 weeks Tap the plus for more details

Pregnancy checklist at 9 weeks pregnant

Start a daily ritual to connect with your baby

It's not too early to start bonding. Take some time each day to sit quietly: Focus on the miracle unfolding inside you, and plan for the kind of parent you want to be. Or you may want to journal or write a letter to your baby.

Share your pregnancy with your partner

Though your partner may never understand the visceral realities of pregnancy, they can still participate in special moments and bond with your baby before birth. Here are mom-tested ways to involve your partner in your pregnancy, from encouraging them to talk to the baby to reading pregnancy books to making decisions together. If you want to inspire your significant other to get more involved, send them these ideas for sharing in your partner's pregnancy.

Start walking

Walking is a safe activity you can continue throughout pregnancy and one of the easier ways to start exercising if you haven't previously been active. If you've been walking for exercise, keep it up. If you were fairly inactive before you got pregnant, start with a slow walk and gradually build up to brisk jaunts of 20 to 60 minutes, as long as your healthcare provider has given you the go-ahead. When you're walking, make sure to protect your skin with SPF to avoid melasma, drink plenty of water, and have a high-protein snack 30 minutes before you exercise. If it's hot, stay cool with a hat and a spray bottle filled with water – or walk indoors on a treadmill.

Get a flu shot

The flu shot is safe and recommended for all pregnant women. Flu shots significantly lower your chances of getting severe flu and being hospitalized. There's also an important benefit to your baby: Antibodies that you develop during pregnancy in response to the flu shot are passed to your baby and provide protection from the flu for several months after birth. That protection can be crucial because babies younger than 6 months are especially vulnerable to complications but are too young to be vaccinated against flu.

Watch out for household chemicals

Take a closer look at what's inside your cupboards. Some cleaning products, pesticides, paint, solvents, and lead in drinking water from old pipes can be harmful to your pregnancy.

Im 9 Weeks Pregnant What Trimester Am I in


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