Node Error in Photo Upload { Validationerror: Photo Validation Failed


  • What is a schema fault?
  • Understanding schema errors
  • Worked examples of schema errors for the DLHE record
  • Locating the error.

What is a schema fault?

The schema describes the structure of the XML document (number of elements, whether an element can exist empty, default/fixed values, etc.) and valid entries. The schema is defined by the XSD. Schema errors occur where in that location is a problem with the structure or gild of the file, or an invalid character is included.

Schema errors prevent the validation being run in total because the file cannot be read. This ways that errors cannot exist traced to a detail record. Instead the position of the mistake in the file is given in the course of a line number in the file to assist you in identifying the problem.

Tip: Using a text editor programme to open up the raw data will show the line numbers.

Understanding schema errors

The language used to depict a schema error can exist difficult to empathize at start glance. In gild to assist you in identifying and rectifying whatever errors, a glossary of terms is included below.




The schema describes the structure of the XML certificate (number of elements, whether an element can be empty, default/fixed values, etc.) and valid entries. The schema is defined past the XSD.


A single entity proper noun groups together a set of fields which have the same relationship.


A field is an attribute (data item) of an entity. This refers to the brusk field name as shown in the coding transmission.

Reason for null

Used to describe a field requiring an explanation for a zippo value. It must be accompanied by a reason code, for example. ii: not sought, 3: refused or 9: not applicable.

Parent element

XML is made up of elements. Entities are known as the 'parent elements'.

Kid element

XML is made up of elements. Fields are known as 'kid elements' every bit they belong to a 'parent chemical element' (i.due east. entity).


Elements (fields and entities) tin can belong to one each other and thus are nested.

Worked examples of schema errors for the DLHE record

i)    Invalid values

In these examples the fault message states that the value returned is invalid. This means that it does not adjust to the valid entries included in the field descriptions.

Schema errors - image 1

Where the value is referenced as " this ways that the value is missing and the file therefore contains an empty field. Within the file this would expect like:


The XML structure does not allow for blank values and then each field in the file must contain a valid code. If the value is missing yous will demand to input the appropriate value. If nevertheless a value cannot exist identified and the field is not required for the record, you should remove the field from the file altogether.

Tip: The minimum and maximum occurrences detailed in the field detail in the coding transmission will inform you whether or not a field can be excluded from the record.

Schema errors - image 2

In this version of the error message there has been a code returned, however information technology does not conform to the schema and is invalid. Schema checks ensure that the lawmaking returned is as included in the listing of valid entries for the field as tin can be constitute in the coding manual. If y'all encounter this error message you must review and amend the information submitted.

two)    Invalid child elements

Within the schema a parent chemical element refers to the entity, or group of fields, and a child element refers to an private field. For example, in the DLHE record 'Employment' is an entity and therefore a parent chemical element, whereas the 'Salary' field is a child element.

Where the mistake message refers to an invalid kid element it means that the fields inside an entity in the file are not in the correct lodge as divers past the schema (XSD). This could hateful that a field is missing altogether, or that existing fields are not in the correct place. The error message will give you some indication of the problem. In the case below the issue is in line 11 of the file and relates to the Employment entity. In this example, SALARY is the unexpected field as validation was expecting the EMPBASIS field. To resolve the effect y'all would need to review the raw data file and look at the fields in this entity and brand any necessary changes earlier resubmitting. The schema tree diagram may help you in identifying the right order and consequently rectifying the outcome with the file.

Schema errors - image 3

The raw data contains:

Looking at the schema for this collection, it can be seen that the following fields are in the wrong club:

Therefore the correct structure would be:























three)    Incomplete content

This blazon of error is similar to the invalid kid chemical element upshot shown in a higher place; however in this case the upshot is that there are fields missing from the parent element/entity. This error may occur where a required or mandatory field has been excluded from the tape because the value is not known. In this instance you would need to locate the missing data and ensure that this is included in the XML excerpt submitted.

Schema errors - image 4

  The error message above shows that after the ALLACT field validation was expecting to see the HEWORKEXP field in the file, only instead the extract below shows that the entity ends without this field beingness included:

The raw data contains:

Looking at the schema for this collection, it can be seen that the following fields are missing:

Therefore the right structure would be:





















4)    Invalid grapheme

This type of error occurs where at that place is an unexpected grapheme constitute in the file. This might be something that falls exterior of the data type, such as a non UTF-eight grapheme. In the case beneath, in that location is a < tag missing from a field which is causing the validation to fail.

Schema errors - image 5

5)    Missing closing tag

This type of error occurs where an entity or field is missing a endmost tag. Remember that each field or entity must be correctly opened and closed in social club for validation to read the file. For example, in this error the final closing tag of </DLHERecord> is missing and this ways the file construction does not ostend to the schema definition.

Schema errors - image 6

Schema errors - image 7

Locating the error

The validation kit provides information in the 'location' section of the error message to assist institutions in finding the issue inside the file. Ofttimes this will be purely a line reference (as in the case below). Using a text editor to open the raw data will give line references then that you tin can notice the affected line of data.

Schema errors - image 8

Note however that schema errors mean that the validation kit cannot read the file and then in one case something wrong is found validation stops because it cannot progress beyond this betoken. Every bit a effect the data displayed will ever contain a line number only may non contain Student.HUSID. Schema errors are designed to give as much location information as possible but the amount of data displayed will depend on how far through the file the validation programme reaches and the nature of the error.


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